React Micro Projects

Front-End Learning Projects for freeCodeCamp

Roles: Front-End Development, UI Design

  • Pomodoro Timer

    A React Pomodoro Timer, featuring the infamous Lo-Fi girl.

  • Drum Machine

    A React Launchpad, to learn about sound integration and user inputs

  • JS Calculator

    A classic JS project, inspired by the iPhone calculator

  • Markdown Previewer

    Translating Markup to HTML

  • Random Quotes Generator

    Random quotes and color generator

  • Record Room

    Scrolling through Spotify Embeds

Summer-Fall 2020

Courses: freeCodeCamp, Scrimba

Time: 2 Months (~1 project/week)

Project Type: Front-End Development, UI Design


During the height of the 2020 pandemic, I studied front-end development full-time on FreeCodeCamp and Scrimba, with the goal of crafting a software development portfolio. Starting from HTML and CSS, and continuing through React and NodeJS, I moved through the Legacy Front-End Development curriculum. I gravitated towards building simple front-end applications in React, building upon my skills in visual design and JS data structures.




CSS / Sass

Vanilla JavaScript


Platforms / IDE


Code and Sandbox



NextJS Portfolio