BOMA AirView

Connecting spatial floor plan data with metrics in real time

Role: User Experience, Full-Stack Development, Designer

2022 - 2023


BOMA AirView is a client web portal to view floor plan data extracted from Revit models. On the web portal, external clients can view the floor plan alongside the BOMA tables and make edits to boundary elements and categories, visualizing changes to the load factor in real time.

This product prototype is built with a React front-end and powered by AWS Firebase in the back-end. I was responsible for the initial product pitch and the full-stack development. I worked with the UX designer, Revit specialist, and backend engineer to develop a functional prototype. Initial design was developed in Figma.

Project Type: Full-Stack Development

Project Team: John Baker (PM), Autumn Waldron (PM), Akshaya Kathiresh (UX Researcher/Designer), Zhenxiang Huang (Revit Specialist), Chris Fridlington (Backend Engineer), Arrowstreet Graphic Design (Branding)

Reference: BOMA International


React & JS

Google Firebase

React Bootstrap

Material Design

Revit API & C#


Context Explorer


European Velo Shed